
About Department

The Department of Accounting has passed three basic stages in its history. It started in 1402 AH as a department in the Department of Administrative Sciences. The department then split into an independent academic section in 1404 AH. In 1419 AH, it became one of the departments of the Faculty of Arabic Language and Social Sciences. Khalid. Each of these stages had a different study plan.
Since the establishment of the department, the first batch graduated in 1406 AH and contributed to supplying the national labor market with qualified national cadres. This was followed by the graduation of more cadres that contributed to national development and to meet the needs of private and public accountants.

برامج القسم

المزيد ...

برنامج يوفر بيئة أكاديمية وبحثية منتجة لكوادر مؤهلة علمياً وبحثياً في مجالات المحاسبة قادرة علي المساهمة بفاعلية في مؤسسات التعليم الجامعي ومؤسسات الدولة، والمساهمة في…