College administration
The college administration is directly linked to the college's dean and is charged with the following tasks:
- Reporting directly to all employees of the college as well as reporting on their leaving the work in accordance with the instructions and powers issued in this regard.
- Granting the regular and compulsory leave for the employees of the administration, employees and workers belonging to the Department and the related units, provided that the Deanship of Faculty Affairs and University Personnel shall complete the procedures in accordance with the system before enjoying them.
- Supervising the attendance and departure of the staff of the administration and associated units as well as the employees of the departments of technicians, administrators, employees and workers in coordination with the heads of departments and provide a monthly report on the regularity of their time.
- Signing the identification certificates for all employees of the college, provided that they do not have certificates of experience or letters of thanks.
- To continue to provide the college with the need of office tools. To raise the fees owed by the contractors of the faculty members of the compensation for tickets according to the regulations.
- Follow up all laboratory safety work in the college in coordination with the departments and units of the college.
- Approving forms of sponsorship for faculty members when traveling.
- Preparing the administration's needs for employees, employees and workers.
- Direct contact with the departments and departments within the university as well as ministries and government departments and others in all matters related to the terms of the communication should be equivalent to those who color or color.
The College Administration Manager is responsible for:
- Administrative Communications.
- Passport and Travel Affairs.
- College Mail.
It is also related to all faculty members except faculty members and others, as follows:
Administrative Communications and carries out the following tasks:
- Record incoming transactions according to a managed system. Record incoming transactions according to a managed system.
- E-mail: and follow up the incoming mail to the college and abroad of the faculty members of faculty members and those in their governance and management of the college.
- Passports: It follows up the passport procedures for faculty members and non-Saudi officials with the Personnel Department to finalize the procedures related thereto.
- The workshop: All employees are connected to the workshop where they carry out the maintenance work in all the units of the college and their work is divided into: (carpentry - blacksmithing - painting - electronic works - glassware - electricity).

الاسم: أ. عبدالعزيز معبر
الهاتف: 0172419646
التحويلة: 9646 (السكرتير: 9646)
البريد الالكتروني:
كلمة مدير الإدارة:
عزيزي ....
يسرنا أن نرحب بكم في موقع الكلية على أمل أن تجدوا ما يسركم من خلال سعينا الدائم لتقديم كل ما بوسعنا؛ لإطلاعكم على كل جديد ومشاركتكم خدمتنا.
تعمل إدارة كلية الأعمال .....
عبدالعزيز معبر |
مدير الإدارة |
9646 |
سعيد سفر سالم الشهراني |
الاتصالات الإدارية |
8712 |
محمد عبد الله علي القحطاني |
سكرتير العميد |
7538 |
فارس سلمان الشهراني |
سكرتير وكيل الكلية |
7722 |
عبد الرحمن أحمد علي آل مغرم |
شؤون الطلاب |
9644 |
محمد مرعي إلى عوض |
الاتصالات الإدارية |
8582 |
أحمد يحي أحمد بدوي |
العلاقات العامة وشؤون الموظفين |
9305 |
إسماعيل محمد حمدان |
شؤون أعضاء هيئة التدريس |
9547 |
سكرتير وكيل الكلية للشئون الأكاديمية |
8582 |
سعيد علي ناصر الحمادي |
سكرتير وكيل الكلية للتطوير والجودة |
9442 |
محمد احمد لاحق |
شؤون أعضاء هيئة التدريس |
9644 |
محمد يحيى الحضري |
7538 |