The Department of Business Administration is one of the departments that is interested in teaching and developing the administrative sciences related to the business activity in all its sections, which includes a constellation of outstanding faculty members in administrative, financial, economic and human resources sciences. The department was established as one of the departments of "College of Administrative and Financial Sciences" after the separation of this college from the mother college "College of Arabic Language and Social and Administrative Sciences", a new name has been developed to suit the requirements of the development of these sciences at the regional and international levels. The department has three main tracks which are:-
• Business Administration- Business Administration Track
• Business Administration - Finance Track
• Business Administration - Human Resources Track.
برعاية سعادة عميد كلية الأعمال وحضور وكلاء الكلية ورؤساء الأقسام العلمية وأعضاء هيئة التدريس ، أقامت وحدة التوجية والإرشاد بالتعاون مع نادي المال…

أقيم مساء اليوم الثلاثاء ١١ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٢م حفل تتويج الفائزين في بطولات الأولمبياد الرياضي التاسع والذي تنظمه عمادة شؤون الطلاب ، واحرزت كلية…