Department committees and units

MIS department committees' particulars

MIS department committees' particulars:

The following is the list of committees and units are functioning in the department:

1. Department council

2. Educational unit

3. Academic development and quality committee

4. Graduation studies and scientific research committee

5. Student academic advising and student affairs committee

6. Student carrier guidance committee

7. External advisory board

8. Curriculum development committee

9. Time table and exam committee

10. Educational services committee


The following table shows the committees' meeting schedule on an academic year:


Committee name

Meeting schedule


Department council

At least once in a month and following the need of any urgent issue


Educational unit

Depends on requirement


Academic development and quality committee

Following the activities requirements. Such as accreditation


Graduation studies and scientific research committee

Once in a semester


Student academic advising and student affairs committee

Once in a semester


Student carrier guidance committee

Once in a semester


External advisory board

Twice in a year


Curriculum development committee

Issue based and on need


Time table and exam committee

Once in a semester


Educational services committee

Once in a semester

The following are the committees' mission and objectives:

Committee name: MIS department council


To set the department and program strategic goals and operational guidelines, decide academic directions, set policies, supervise practices and procedures on quality improvement of the department and program.


  • Meets at least once a month at the call of the head of the department.
  • Study and discuss academic practices and the department administrative issues.
  • Review policies and procedures following the requirements.
  • Endorsed decisions and minutes of the meetings by the council's members.
  • Approves department committees and acknowledges their minutes.
  • Officiates the decisions by the majority.
  • Sends the approved meeting minutes to college council.
  • Gets college council approval for implementing required actions.


Committee name: Educational unit


To follow the department operation plan for conducing all required activities and assure quality delivery of the programs and works in coordination with the department council. 


  • Meets at least once a month and on urgent issues in context to students, faculty and administrative. 
  • Study and discuss academic practices and the department administrative issues.
  • Review policies and procedures following the requirements.
  • Follows decisions and guidelines provided by the department council.
  • Works in coordination with all committees in the department and college.

Committee name: Academic Development and Quality Committee (ADQC)


To adopt the university quality deanship guidelines, and assure quality practices in the department for continuous improvement; thus supporting the college quality unit and the university's agenda for quality delivery of the program.


  • Facilitates faculty members with the required information that is need for completing their academic tasks.
  • Provides necessary templates, documents, and help to meet the deadlines of quality deanship on quality improvement.
  • Encourages sincere efforts and motivates faculty members for quality standards.
  • Schedules and organizes workshops for preparing quality academic documents, such as course specification and course report.
  • Observing quality assurance procedures at the department to raise the academic performance efficiency in context to program delivery.

Committee name: Graduation studies and scientific research committee


To create a distinctive environment in graduate studies and scientific research to improve student work quality, meet academic standards, community needs, and nation intelligent goals.



  • To perform graduate studies and scientific research work by following the university strategic goals.
  • To diversify graduate studies program and follow scientific research needs in contributing the nation's continuous development.
  • To accelerates efforts in accordance with the criteria of academic accreditation.
  • To establish community partnerships to serve graduate studies and scientific research contributions with communities.
  • To oversee the university scientific council objectives and align teaching faculty performance with the council requirements.
  • To encourage aspirant faculty members to play distinctive roles in achieving the council scientific goals.

Committee name: Student academic advising and student affairs committee


To facilitate students with all the information regarding academic advising and related affairs. Also, solve their academic related issues including course selection, grade percentage, and the overall academic performance.


  • Allocates a certain number of students, e.g., 30, to each faculty member for understanding and solving students' academic issues, on each semester. The list of students appears in the faculty registration section.
  • Faculty members conduct at least two meetings with allotted students and make necessary arrangements following their issues.
  • Assist students with all the affairs – admission, registration, motivation, and encouragements.

Committee name: Student carrier guidance committee


Encourage students to realize their academic competencies and motivate them to plan their carrier goals and develop the needed skills that will help to achieve their carrier objectives.


  • Advising students specifically graduating one for their professional carrier that help them to achieve their carrier objectives.
  • Coordinates with college unit and follows the university programs for student carrier development.
  • Establish a good relationship with industry and their representatives.
  • Execute more efforts for graduating students' placement and facilitate required affairs.

Committee name: External advisory board


To facilitate the department with academic and industry relationship requirements and provide guidelines to meet national and international standards. Participates in evolving program educational objectives and the program curriculum.


  • Provides suggestions on program constituencies and the department academic activities.
  • Gives feedback on program educational objectives and helps to develop PEOs considering the academic and industry requirements.
  • Facilitates the department with the latest information about industry requirements and practices require for student professional carrier.
  •  Establishes the industry relationship and the opportunities for our graduates.

Committee name: Curriculum development committee


To ensure that the program curriculum and its courses must be at the par of national and international standards comprising the academic potentials and the emerging technologies domains.


  • Evaluates and reviews curriculum standards for adopting latest in the field of academics and technologies. 
  • Reviews course specification for improving CLOs, course contents and learning materials.
  • Monitors academic and technological facilities for the quality delivery of the program.
  • Facilitates students and faculty for their academic development.

Committee name: Time table and exam committee


To guarantee a quality conduct of course lectures and all exams in coordination with college committee and provide best support for students and faculty members on examinations.


  • Prepares classrooms allotment for conducting courses following the student's size and the classroom's capacity.
  • Schedules and monitors all exams following the university policies and procedures.
  • Mange students' issues during the exam phase by coordinating the student affair committee.
  • Provides faculty members with the required information on examinations.

Committee name: Educational services committee


To facilitate students with necessary services including learning resources, admission policies, course registration policies, and extracurricular activities.


  • Facilitates student required services.
  • Encourages students to approach for needed student services.
  • Understands students' issues and provides appropriate services.
  • Cares specifically special (physically challenged) students.

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