Student enrolment and result detail
(A) Student enrolment detail for the last five years:
The admission in the program is competitive in comparison to all other departments of the college. In addition, admission to the King Khalid University is competitive vis-à-vis other universities of the region and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Applicants are granted admission to the maximum allowed intake in accordance with an overall evaluation on the basis of their academic record and the entrance examinations.
The complete details about the program requirements, services, and relevant information are provided to the admitted students in the student’s manual and the university’s Learning Management System (LMS), in addition to the student orientation. Deanship of students’ affairs facilitates and implements all the student services which are offered by the university.
The complete details about the program requirements, services, and relevant information are provided to the admitted students in the student’s manual and the university’s Information System, i.e., Academia, in addition to the student orientation. Deanship of students’ affairs facilitates and implements all the student services which are offered by the university.
The data of past five year's admissions in the preparatory years is presented in Figure 1

Figure 1: Student admission in the program for past five years
(B) Student graduating requirements and result analysis:
State the name of the degree awarded (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, etc.) Summarize the graduation requirements for the program and the process for ensuring and documenting that each graduate completes all graduation requirements for the program. If applicable, describe the process for how course deviations are handled to ensure that graduation requirements are met.
Student graduates after successfully completing all graduation requirements according to the Bachelor in Information Systems study plan, provided that his/her cumulative GPA is not less than 2.5. If the student has passed the required courses but his/her cumulative GPA is low, the College Council, on the basis of the recommendations of the council of the department concerned, is entitled to specify the appropriate courses that the student must complete in order to improve his/her GPA. Following points are ensured before the issuance of the degree certificate.
- Students have to review their study plan to follow up to complete all its requirements before graduation.
- The Admission and Registration Deanship reviews all student records to make sure that the student has completed all requirements for graduation.
- The Admission and Registration Deanship sends to the University Council information containing student’s lists of candidates for graduate; and in the first university council after the final examination each semester, including the summer semester.
- A student who receives incomplete grade or who are allowed to makeup exam in one or more courses in the last level of the study plan or similar cases that can fulfill the requirement are also included in the list of graduates.
- Graduation certificate is given to each graduate in Arabic and English languages, which explains: full name, place and date of birth, college, specialization, and degree obtained upon graduation and status. It is signed from the dean of admissions and registration and stamped by the university.
The students fulfilling all the graduation requirements are awarded a degree of Bachelor of Management Information Systems.
The year wise number of students graduating from the program in past five years are presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Number of graduating students of the program
The following table shows:
1. The number of students have graduated on the academic year 2021-2022.
2. The number of students have enrolled for the fall semester, i.e., 441 of the academic year 2022-2023.
Student graduating and admission data |
Item |
Number of students |
Academic year |
Graduated |
49 |
2021-2022 |
Enrolled |
128 |
2022-2023 |