Learning Resources:
Learning resources required by the Program (textbooks, references, and e-learning resources and web-based resources, etc.)
At the beginning of every academic year, the department asks the faculty members regarding the update of the course learning resources: Textbooks, reference books (both hard copies and electronic form), and online resources. Accordingly, faculty members submit the required to head of the department to complete the necessary requirements regarding the acquisition and approval. For any new learning resource, such as textbooks, learning materials, and electronic resources requirements the department follows the following procedures: Based on the collected requirements from the faculty members, the department forwards the requirements to the curriculum committee for revision. In response to the committee recommendations, the course specification must be updated by the faculty members and submitted to the department council for approval. Then the process of acquisition starts for the required learning resources. The approved requirements are then forwarded to the concerned authority at the college to take the necessary action. Based on the requirements, the concerned authority provides the books to the college library. Apart from the college library, faculty members as well as students may borrow the books from the university's central library. Above all, the university has access to the Saudi Digital Library, and this facility has access to authenticated users. The collected data is forwarded to the concerned authority by requesting the nature and priority of the requirement.
Facilities and Equipment
(Library, laboratories, classrooms, etc.)
The department follows a systematic procedure to obtain all the academic requirements by following the university guidelines, mentioned as follows: Faculty members should determine the required resources for teaching their courses such as classrooms, laboratories including Hardware, Software, and other physical infrastructure. Therefore, they have to submit them to the head of the department to complete the necessary actions for the acquisition. At the end of each semester, a survey (questionnaire) is conducted among the students asking about learning resources and facilities. This activity is usually carried out by the AD&Q unit at the college level. The department quality committee facilitates this process according to the requirements.
Procedures to ensure a healthy and safe learning environment
(According to the nature of the program)
According to the nature of MIS program, it doesn’t require any specific safety measures. The department follows the university standard guidelines as mentioned below: As per the policy of the university, the college has established a unit of Students’ Guidance and Counselling. At the department level, the Students Affairs and Academic Advisory Committee has been formed to support students and deal with related issues. Furthermore, each faculty member has been assigned a specific number of students registered on a particular semester; for student counselling. The faculty members perform as advisors and hold the responsibility of guiding the students to all their academic needs. This information is available online (a detail and specific information on the registration portal) for both concerns. Also, teaching staff members are required to determine office hours and support their students. They have to announce that to students at the beginning of the semester and they must be available during that time. The whole process is in line with the university Students' Guidance and Counselling Center at the Deanship of Students Affairs and is implemented according to the respective policies of MOE.